VL Group

Rhymba v3.6 Documentation


The Account endpoints allow you to manage users. Get requests can be done anonymously, but post, put and delete operations require a user to be logged in, and in most cases, be associated with the playlist. The account endpoints will let you create those users, and log them in to receive an access token.



Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('POST&/Account/Register/&password=correcthorsebatterystaple', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
password string The user's password correcthorsebatterystaple


Type Description Example
integer New user's ID 27


POST - Login uses HTTP basic authentication with User ID and Password base64 encoded. All values are in headers, no post body is required. Returns the Access Token you'll need for Playlist interactions. Access Token is valid for 60 minutes.

Javascript Example

var AuthHeader = 'Basic ' + btoa(id + ":" + pw);
var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('POST&/Account/Login/&', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
Authorization string The basic authentication header with the user and password base64 encoded. Basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=


Field Name Type Description Example
Token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=
UserId integer User Id 27
Expiration DateTime Expiration 2019-10-01T09:01:55.714942+00:00



Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=



Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=
password string The new password 12345