VL Group

Rhymba v3.6 Documentation


All playlist endpoints called with a delete verb will delete the specified item. All of these calls require a valid Access Token from a logged in user to be passed in the request header.


DELETE - Delete a playlist.

Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('DELETE&/Playlists/12/&access_token=ZT...DE=', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=


DELETE - Delete Media from a Playlist

Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('DELETE&/Playlists/12/Media/53379368/&access_token=ZT...DE=', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=


DELETE - Delete a Playlist from a Playlist

Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('DELETE&/Playlists/12/Playlists/13/&access_token=ZT...DE=', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=


DELETE - Delete an Image associated with a Playlist.

Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('DELETE&/Playlists/12/DeleteImage/&access_token=ZT...DE=', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=


DELETE - Delete an Album from a Playlist

Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('DELETE&/Playlists/12/Albums/8736662/&access_token=ZT...DE=', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=


DELETE - Delete an Artist from a Playlist

Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('DELETE&/Playlists/12/Artists/97847/&access_token=ZT...DE=', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=


DELETE - Delete a User from a Playlist. Either endpoint can be used, both are included for completeness. If you are the only user on a Playlist, you cannot delete yourself. Consider deleting the Playlist instead.

Javascript Example

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256('DELETE&/Playlists/12/Users/4/&access_token=ZT...DE=', private_key);
var hash64 = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash);

Header Name Type Description Example
system_access_token string Your Rhymba Access Token E32C8CFE8A1EC895C8C63FE5BD924941
system_access_secret string Your Rhymba Access Secret 25BA2FADE0B0F47A0D913EBBC8F1EB6C
hash string The request hash cndh6C/die66R+qwceUJW/dXBHYUwm6tVt8MhBayl/0=
Field Name Type Description Example
access_token string Access Token ZTMyYzhjZmU4YTFlYzg5NWM4YzYzZmU1YmQ5MjQ5NDE=